Meet the Team
Dr Peter Gardner
Peter Gardner is the founder of Appleford School for children with Dyslexia and Daneswood Care Home for adults with learning disabilities. Dr Gardner is a Chartered Educational Psychologist, a Chartered Forensic Psychologist and a Chartered Counselling Psychologist of the British Psychological Society. He is a full practitioner member of the British Psychological Society Division of Neuropsychology. He is a registered Psychotherapist (United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy) and was a committee member of the Psychology and Psychotherapy Association.
Peter has had over 40 years’ experience in the learning disabilities field and has built up a wide range of knowledge and experience during this time.
Much of his work is legal work, including the preparation of detailed court reports and submission of oral evidence, working for Crown Courts, Magistrates Courts and Guardian ad litern panels. He acted as an expert witness in the precedent-setting Phelps v London Borough of Hillindon education negligence case in the High Court in July 1997 Boys outside and was described by Mr. Justice Garland as “particularly well qualified, careful and fair”. His legal work is split roughly 50-50 between claimant and defendant work.

Professional Qualifications & Experience
Peter gained an Honours Degree in Psychology from Nottingham University, a Postgraduate Diploma in Academic Psychology from University College London, a Master of Arts Degree in Therapy and Counselling from Antioch College, U.S.A. (London Branch) and a Doctorate from the University of Bristol.
He was a lecturer in a number of universities and was a tutor at the Child Guidance Training Centre, London, responsible for post-graduate training of psychologists on a British Psychological Society – and Department of Education – accredited course.
He is a Chartered Educational Psychologist, a Chartered Forensic Psychologist and a Chartered Counselling Psychologist of the British Psychological Society, being a member of the relevant BPS Divisions. He was a committee-member of the BPS Psychology and Psychotherapy Association.
He completed the first Post-Qualification Course in Clinical Neuropsychology organised by the British Psychological Society between 1994 and 1996, is a BPS-accredited Clinical Neuropsychologist and is listed on the BPS Specialist Register of Clinical Neuropsychologists.
He held three LEA posts in educational psychology and NHS posts in clinical psychology before moving into private practice.
He maintains a successful medico-legal practice as an expert witness, and was described by the High Court judge, Mr Justice Garland, as ‘particularly well qualified, careful and fair’.
In 1988 he co-founded Appleford School, Salisbury, an independent co-educational school for dyslexic children, approved under Section 342 of the Education Act 1996 by the Department of Education and Employment, approved by CReSTeD (the accrediting branch of the British Dyslexia Association) and by IAPS (Incorporated Association of Prep. Schools), which has a number of Ofsted and ISI Outstanding/Excellent gradings in education and care.
In 2005 he co-founded Daneswood, Shipham, near Cheddar, a care home for adults with severe and profound and multiple learning difficulties, which is registered with CQC and which has a current Good rating.
He is a registered Practitioner Psychologist with the Health and Care Professions Council (registration number PYL 15352).
He has management qualifications and management experience. He is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Management and a Fellow of the Institute of Directors.
Registered Manager
I joined Daneswood in 2015 as a Senior Support Worker, then progressing as Team Leader then Deputy Manager and now I am the Registered Manager at Daneswood since 2021.
I completed my level 5 diploma in Leadership for Health and Social care in 2020.
I am very passionate and dedicated to my job, ensuring we achieve the best possible outcome for all the residents living at Daneswood.
As the Manager, my aim is to ensure all residents have the best standards of care provided, a purpose in life and meaningful activities while remaining happy and settled at Daneswood.
Consistency is key for all our residents and staff recruitment and retention is a high priority of mine.
Daneswood is a brilliant place to work, with a homely feel, filled with fun and laughter for everyone here.
I look forward to meeting you.

Team Leader
My name is Leanna; I have worked at Daneswood since 2017. I worked at Daneswood through my college placement for 6 months, once I had finished my Health and Social care course, I applied to work at Daneswood as a support worker as I enjoyed spending time and getting to know the residents, working my way up to the senior position and then Team Leader role.
I am very family orientated, I have a niece and nephew who I spend lots of time with.
I enjoy going to the pub and on holiday.